5 Halloween Reminders to Keep Your Dog Safe

When we celebrate the holidays, we often want to make our dogs a part of the festivities. Halloween is no exception. In fact, for some pet parents, the dog’s Halloween costume is as important as their own. However, for all the fun that may come along with this time of year, it’s not always a positive experience for dogs.

With these reminders, I hope it will be a happy and fun Halloween night for both you and your pooch:

1. Dogs are not accustomed to the excitement of Halloween.

The noise and excitement of a party, or even a door opening to reveal a frightening visage, can be just as frightening to a dog as the noise on Fourth of July (consider taking the same precautions you would for firework safety).

Your dog should have a safe place to escape if he needs to. If you do answer the door with your dog, it’s a good idea to keep him on a leash. This will prevent a fearful dog from unexpectedly darting out the door or even becoming aggressive toward the screaming creature they are confronted with.